#nica pierce x reader
Apologies to whoever requested this. I deleted your ask by accident and don't remember your @ :'|
Nica Pierce, Tiffany Valentine, and Charles Lee Ray comforting their s/o after a nightmare/being comforted after a nightmare.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: Implied murder
Masterlist here!
Nica Pierce
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You try to keep quiet. You don't want to wake Nica.
You try to calm yourself down. You feel like you're overreacting.
You try to scrub the dream from your brain. You have little success.
Nica begins to stir beside you. "Hey... you alright?" she murmurs, her brows pressing together in concern.
You're quiet for a moment and in the end, simply shake your head no.
"Bad dream?" Nica gives your forearm a comforting squeeze.
"Yeah... Really bad."
Her other arm slowly reaches for you, giving you enough time to pull away if you want space. If you don't, you'll find yourself in her hold, your face nestled in the crook of her neck.
She rubs your back soothingly. "...Do you want to talk about it?"
A kiss is pressed against your head. Nica simply continues to hold you.
She often doesn't remember her own dreams after she wakes up. And if she does, it's usually one of the shitty ones.
Her eyes are wet. It takes her a moment to process where she is and what's going on, that you're beside her.
Nica spends a solid minute silently debating whether she wants to wake you up and bother you.
Finally, she calls your name.
She very bluntly tells you what she just dreamt about the moment you're awake. That's all the talking she does before she's grabbing for you.
You wipe the tears from her face.
She rests her chin on your shoulder and takes in your scent.
Please run your fingers through her curls.
Please hold her really, really tightly.
Tiffany Valentine
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It's the dead of night when you jolt upright in bed, breathing hard.
In her half-awake state, the first two thoughts that immediately enter Tiffany's head are "What's got you so upset?" and "Who's throat does she need to slit?"
It's only once her nail file is at the ready and the light is on that she realizes what's going on.
Tiffany returns the same energy she gets from others. If you'd comfort her, she's gonna comfort you.
"Oh, sweetface..." She frowns.
God, seeing you upset is making her upset too! This won't do.
Tiffany peppers your face in kisses.
Then, she practically squeezes the life out of you. She will not be letting go anytime soon. You are officially melded together.
When Tiff wakes up in tears, she immediately shakes you awake, frantically calling your name.
"Huh... What's wrong...?" You sit up and try to rub the sleep out of your eyes, giving her your full attention.
Tiffany deeply appreciates an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on.
Rather incoherently, she describes the dream to you while waving her hands around animatedly.
You try your best to offer soothing words.
You're still mid-sentence when Tiff launches herself at you. She cries onto your top, her tears having slowed down now.
She just wants to be held.
And listen to your voice some more.
Maybe you could make her a nice snack too?
Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray
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You'll need to reach over and physically shake this man awake since he sleeps like a rock.
"Chucky?" you question softly. "Chucky, can you wake up?" You shake him by his shoulder a bit.
"Huh...?" he utters groggily. His eyes are still closed.
"...I had a nightmare..."
Perhaps it isn't much of a surprise, but comforting others is not exactly one of his strong suits.
"None of that shit was real," he tells you. "Don't get so worked up."
In Chucky's eyes, you're dating the Lakeshore Strangler, so you've got no reason to be getting scared. Especially because of things that didn't actually happen. Go back to sleep. You're fine.
He rolls back over. A few minutes pass. You continue to sniffle.
With a sigh, Chucky turns to face you. He pulls you closer, cradling your head against his chest. "Stop your cryin'," he mutters gruffly. "I've gotcha."
Chucky himself hardly ever has nightmares. His dreams are usually rather mundane... Well, mundane for him, anyway. The sort of stuff he might find himself thinking actually happened after he wakes.
"Hey, what the hell happened to that asshole I left to drain out in the bathroom?"
"...You... didn't leave a body in the bathroom?"
That being said, you're a bit confused when you're woken up in the middle of the night by Chucky jolting awake beside you.
He slowly lets out a shuddery breath.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"Nothin'. I'm fine." It's a lie and you know it.
You cuddle up against Chucky in an attempt to comfort him. His immediate response is to try and get out of your grasp. "I said I'm fine!"
After a moment, though, he gives up, grumbling like he still doesn't want your touch (he does).
The tension slowly leaves his shoulders as you pet his hair.
He wraps his arms around you, gripping the fabric of your top until he dozes off again.
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Nica!chucky x fem!reader
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Right now you were sitting in the pouring rain on the porch of Tiffany valentine. After being in asylums with nica,going with chucky to insure she doesn’t die then getting betrayed by Tiffany and going to jail 2 months after you turned 18 ,you lied and said that nica forced and lied about the doll after SHE killed everyone.
Just what they wanted to hear.
And you didn’t feel bad about it because you knew that nica had turned her back on you. You had stayed loyal for years then when you met in another asylum after 4 years she had believed that it really wasn’t the doll. Called you out of your name and lead you on.
Tiffany was away and nica was asleep. It was the perfect time.
You had snuck in through the window and went to her and Tiffany’s shared room.
You look at her peaceful expressions. It had sadden you how you enjoyed her looking so nice and peaceful after everything she caused you. If only I would’ve never did that much for her. You thought.
Then got straight to chanting
You made sure to keep it at whisper. You were bringing back chucky. Well…the part that was in nica at least.
“…damballa…awake!” You had the heart with you so it made sure it would work.
It’s not working!
you frustrated and instead of chanting “ade due blah blah blah” again and decided that it still might not work….even with the heart
You groan
“Fucking cunt” you whispered breathing out.
Just then there eyes snap open.
You gasp
“What…what the fuck! Is going on?!” Yep…that’s definitely chucky.
He then looks at you dead in the eye. You can’t help but blush and look down.
“She cut off nicas limps a year ago” you said starting to look up.
He tilts his head to the side less confused and more angry now.
“She…what?!” He then looks down.
“Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me” he says with a sigh.
“I-“ “what the hell has happened?!” He cut you off.
“Well after your bitch of an ex fiancé got me sent to jail I came here to get my revenge.” You say with obvious hate in your voice.
He then looked shocked. “Oh I’m gonna kill her slow” you smiled. “And so you mean…I’ve been like this for over a year?” “Yep” you say with an eye roll.
He started chuckling. “Wow! You know- I-I I really gotta give it to her! That bitch done really really got me!” You knew he was ready to kill her as soon as she walked through that door.
“Well first…you need a new body. Or fixed limps” you said with a sigh sitting your cold,wet ass on the bed.
He sucked in heavily. “How?” You knew just the answer. “There’s a voodoo spell. All have to do is find limps like nicas and sew them back together. Then with the voodoo spell it will immediately heal them and make them fully functional.” You said with a smirk.
He once again tilted his head to the side.
“Well well well…look at what sweet little y/n has planned.” He says with a chuckle.
“Where are we gonna find the body parts?” He asked. “Tiffanys bitchy neighbors.” You said smiling.
“Mhm well ok” he said smiling. “Well then let’s not waste anytime because we don’t know how long she’ll be gone but I suppose probably the whole..well till in the middle of the night sense it’s 5 and she’s busy being Jennifer Tilly and nica was already asleep and ate so I think in the middle of the night.”
You honestly didn’t know but you hoped.
He smiled. But a dangerous smile. “Good girl.” You blush and then went off to the neighbors house.
You had also saw a note that wasn’t for nica but someone else Tiffany forgot to mail to. Probably her neighbors.
“Yup…definitely back in the morning” you sighed out
You came back 5 minutes later with the wife knocked out then got to working which only took 15 minutes.
Then you went up stairs with the wife bleeding out on the ground and most likely dying.
(But you didn’t care)
You made it up the stairs with the body parts and laid everything down like stuff to make sure no huge messes and got ready having chucky in a chair as you kneeled in front of him.
“Sorry. This is really gonna hurt.” You apologized and he just sighed.
“It’s ok.” He nodded his head.
Then you started getting to work completely focused and made sure to attach and Stich on the limps perfectly. You had been done at 7 and it was less bloodier then you thought.
Way faster then you thought to.
And instead of cleaning it up you just immediately started the ritual.
“Shit!” He yelled. “What?! What’s happening?” Yiu asked. Then he calmed down.
“It worked.” He whispered then slightly lifted his leg.
It worked? It worked!
He then stood up stretching his arms and you decided to get up from your kneeling position.
He turned around to you after looking in the mirror.
He put his hand on your cheek.
“Thank you doll”that made you blush so hard
“You’re welcom-“ then all of a sudden…he kissed you! Before you could even really register it or kiss back,he pulled away and smirked.
“W-well I need to get this all cleaned up” you gulped.
He looked over you. “Ok n/n” he then plopped back down on the bed. You quickly got all of the stuff and went downstairs.
As you made your way down the stairs you knew you heard him yell “you know you killed her right!?” You just sighed because you knew and just continued.
As he was up there you had tiny discussion between surgery about how you were gonna get back at her to start off.
He decided to make a phone call.
It ringed three times “hello?” Tiffany spoke.
“Hiya tiff.” Chucky said amused.
“There’s- there’s no way! NO!” Tiffany exclaimed.
“Oh yes but there is. And with the help of my little precious y/n here…I’m back.”
“That bitch!” Tiffany said with venom.
“Ah ah ah! I wouldn’t say that if I were you.”
“Well…what are you gonna do with them chucky?!” She questioned.
“Well let’s just say…you ain’t never getting ya bitch back.”
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
New era, new masterlist!
Here we go!
RULES (I know is pinned as heathers but is the same for every other fandom ;))
chiquitita | robin buckley x reader
juliet to your juliet | sarah sanderson x reader
a witch’s fear | sarah sanderson x reader
car’s outside | elizabeth olsen x reader [part 1 | part 2]
i see stars | cady heron (mean girls the musical) x reader
stargirl | wanda maximoff x reader
every breath you take | barbara minerva x reader (ongoing...)
take my breath away | nica pierce (chucky!nica) x reader
enjoy the silence | lorraine broughton x fem! reader
dancing with the devil | verna x reader
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hearts4court · 11 months
Chucky Masterlist!
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A/N: Finally at last i’m writing for this incredible movie/tv series. Glen and Glenda are only platonic, while Chucky, Tiff, and Nica can have romance included.
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Charles Lee Ray(Chucky):
None yet!
Tiffany Valentine/Ray:
None yet!
Nica Pierce:
None yet!
None yet!
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Don’t copy, translate or repost any of my work w/o my permission.
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Chucky Headcanons: Being Nica’s girlfriend and trying to help her save her family ( Nica x Fem Reader Curse of Chucky AU)
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Warnings: No proofreading, apologise for any mistakes or typos.
Pride Month gift for my bestie @losersclubisms​. 
Love you so so much and since i’m imagining this for you it is partially personalized. However, it is still enjoyable for anyone else. 
I made the reader be a pagan in your honor, but the pagan practice i described here resembles what i have learn somewhere else. My knowledge is better in latin american paganism and the representation resembles that more, hope is still good anyways :) 
- You started dating Nica in college and you realized from the start that it was going to be hard, but your persistence won her over completely. No matter how difficult things would become, you always stayed by her side.
 - Reassuring Sarah in her constant fears for her daughter to get hurt was the hardest part, but with time and patience you managed her to trust you. The key was that you became a frequent company for both of them, always showing yourself understanding of whatever arrangements needed to be made for the situation to work. You have a complicated relationship with your mother that always made your communication distant with her, so the close bond your girlfriend had with her mother was the opposite of what you were used to at home. 
- Receiving the news of her tragic end hitted you hard, you simply couldn’t believe it. There were no reasonable explanations. Alongside Nica you had seen Sarah at one of her bad moments at some point, but she didn’t seem like going through one of those at that moment. Things seemed to get better, not worse. 
- Of course, you were going to remain with her through the painful moments and say your last goodbye to her mother, a woman you did grow fond of after getting to know her as well as you could. If you had to be honest, she was the only member of your girlfriend’s family that you felt liked you for real. The interactions with her sister have always been tense, from the very first moment you were introduced. You can tell she has always found you too unconventional or, better said, a complete weirdo. Her husband remains neutral, but their little daughter is fascinated by you and that creates a constant source of tension between all of you that Jill tries to calm. 
- To Barb you are just a free spirited ex hippie like college girl whose life is going nowhere. It’s a false stereotype that doesn’t even fit your vibes, but you imagine she imposed on you over the fact that you are the exact opposite of everything she values. As it was natural to expect from her once she starts to manipulate the situation trying to kick Nica out of her house, she accuses you of being there to move with her and cling to her inheritance. 
- You are not a confrontational person, but she is going too far and you can’t stand it. Your defense of Nica is aggressively passionate and at that point you hold on just for her. The atmosphere is so loaded with negativity, which is perfectly understandable because a person just died, but you have to make something to get yourself together before you can get kicked out yourself. 
- For so, you try to stop focusing on the bullshit of adults for a while and pay attention to Alice. No one else is doing it, so they have no reason to stay mad at it. The little girl seems distracted, something normal to expect. She is processing the death of her grandma and as part of it she asks you all sorts of questions. Nica explained to her that you are a pagan and your belief systems are different from their family’s, so she wants to know what you think would be the fate of Sarah’s soul. 
-  “Chucky says there is no God.” Alice wonders out loud. “ but you believe there are many.”  
You aren’t sure of who explained her about atheism, but that can’t be coming from her alone.
“ Who is Chucky, darling?” 
The girl pointed at the red haired doll she found right there at her arrival, handling it to you with pride so you would check on it. 
- You didn’t know what to say, so you pretended to salute him to carry on with the conversation ignoring it. However, some of the things that came out from Alice’s mouth couldn’t be ignored. She was speaking as someone else, but not resembling anyone there. 
- The matter kept twirling in your mind for a while and you were thinking about the conditions of Sarah’s passing. She died in that house and no kind of purification rituals were made, not even by that priest Barb brought. The house could be haunted and not precisely by her spirit, something else could have found the way in after the tragedy made that place attractive. 
- Asking only for Nica’s permission, you decide to make a first step into figuring out what should be done: a spiritual cleanse. A simple smoke cleanse for the start, purposely choosing a method friendly to the christian eye for its similarities with the practices of the catholic church that you have already done there knowing Nica had the supplies. To not cause any more troubles, you do it only in the room where the death happened. 
- You get stopped in your tracks by little Alice and her plastic friend, what you should have seen coming because she was always curious around you. Trying to explain what you were about to do would have been pointless to satisfy her, the girl would have wanted to follow you and you couldn’t allow that. You bring the singular duo back with your girlfriend, easier than trying to localize Jill.
 -  “ The smoke she was doing cleanses energies.” Nica tried to explain to her. “ She was trying to help grandma reach heaven in her way. It’s different from us, but she wants to help.” 
You were smiling a bit noticing a glimpse of pride in her saying that. 
“ It can also help everyone feel better, i feel better afterwards everytime i do it. More calm, peaceful. Less feisty to fight with your mom.“ 
- In order to satisfy her curiosity without upsetting anyone even more, you show her how it works by practicing it on the doll, which ended up a complete disaster. The charcoal burns in an unnatural way, something you have never seen before. The pleasant smell of herb mix and incense turns into a disgusting pest that made you think you could have started a fire. 
- You are convinced that then you are going to get kicked out, especially considering what you have to say to defend yourself. 
- “ There is something deeply wrong with that thing.” You insist on telling Nica as soon as she gets an hysterical Barb away from you. “ Remember how many times have I done that for you and nothing strange happened.” 
“ It’s an unfortunate coincidence, maybe you are just stressed from having to defend yourself all the fucking time.” 
You looked at her deathly seriously. 
“ I hate to be asking you this…. Does your family have any enemies?” 
She didn’t manage to fully understand the meaning behind the question.
“ What are you talking about?” 
“ Whoever sent you that doll hates you, I’m convinced of that. “ 
You take her hand and she pulls you for a kiss, reassuring gesture trying to hide your concerns and hers away. 
“ I love you, Nica, I seriously do. Tell me you are on my side even though I sound insane. Lie to me if you have to.” 
The pure devotion in your eyes made her smile briefly. 
“ I don’t know if it would be of any help, but there is something I have never told you about…” 
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f4riedimples · 29 days
Favorite character poll game!
rules: make a poll of 5 characters and let people vote! Then tag 5 more writers and keep the game going!
Tags: @fict1onallyobsessed
@asvterias @alkivm @ripleys-bitch
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I think the only time I was genuinely scared of tiffany is at the end of chucky season 1 ep 8 and nica wakes up to her limbs missing.and tiffany is bein all creepy and stuff 😭😭
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nessamist · 1 year
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: ̗̀➛ be sure to be specific in your requests so i know exactly what to do!!
what i will write: headcanons, x readers, non binary readers, fluff, smut, dark content(ex yandere), polyamorous relationships
what i won’t write: incest/stepcest, pedophilia, large age gaps, daddy/mommy kinks, age play, intense bdsm, heavy angst, male reader, rape/noncon
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yellowjackets - (only precrash for teens)
- vanessa palmer (adult)
- misty quigley (adult & teen)
- lottie matthews (adult)
- natalie scatorccio (adult & teen)
- shauna shipman (adult & teen)
- taissa turner (adult)
overwatch -
- elizabeth caledonia ashe
- angela ziegler (mercy)
- moira o’deorain
- amelie lacroix (widowmaker)
resident evil village -
- donna beneviento
- alcina dimitrescu
- daniela dimitrescu
wednesday -
- wednesday addams
- enid sinclair
- larissa weems
- marilyn thornhill (not laurel gates au)
cruella -
- cruella de vil
- estella miller
- anita darling
chucky -
- tiffany valentine
- glenda ray
- glen ray
- nica pierce
misc. characters
- eda clawthorne
- harley quinn
- barbara handler
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peakhumanbehavior · 1 year
The perfect way
Tiffany Valentine x Reader
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Warnings: Toxic relationship, Reader getting turned into Nica 2.0 (Implied)
A wide grin slowly spread across her face as she approached, sweetly swinging her hips from side to side. The entrancing motion made you feel like you were in heaven, even if you were everywhere but
She bent down slightly to your position on the floor and spoke, her sickly sweet voice blessing your ears
“You didn’t think I would catch up, did you?” She smirked as she saw your smitten look be replaced with a look of terror, your situation dawning on you. You were caught trying to escape but of course she got to you before you could leave, she always did
The clicking of her heels pierced your ears with each step *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* It felt like the air was knocked out of your body as you hit the damp brick driveway, a burning pain strikes throughout your back as she dug her heels into it
“I didn’t want to hurt you sweetface, but I just can’t let you leave me. I need you, you need me”
She lifted her foot off your back, allowing you to breathe once more. She cooed as she got on her knees and guided your head onto her lap, slowly caressing your face
“You’ll die without me, no one would love you like I do. Stay with me, I’ll treat you like royalty” She softly spoke, hoping to keep you wrapped around her finger for a little while longer. You couldn’t leave her, you were in this together! She left Chucky for you, she took care of you. You needed her!
Just as you were falling for her again, you saw her freak out before pulling out a syringe from who knows where and injecting it into your neck.
“I’m sorry” Was all you could hear before everything went black
She couldn’t take the risk of you leaving, her life would be meaningless without you. She needed to find a way to keep you from running and she knew the perfect way
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Hello all! Welcome to my account! You can call me Gendah, or Ava!
This account is a "horror x reader" account, so requests are welcome, if not encouraged!
I will be writing for both villains and heroes too, so don't worry about just getting slashers!
What I refuse to write: - Anything remotely smut/nsfw/fetish related - Cheating - Prompts that I find extremely out of character for said character requested. - Partner abuse - Suicide/Self Harm - Disregarding Nica's amputations in the Chucky series
The characters I will write for: Villains: - Charles/Chucky Lee Ray (Child's Play) - Tiffany Valentine/Ray (Bride of Chucky) - Eddie Caputo (Child’s Play) - Nancy Downs (The Craft) - Billy Loomis (Scream) - Stu Macher (Scream)
Heroes:  - Nica Pierce (Curse/Cult of Chucky) - Andy Barclay (Child’s Play) - Sidney Prescott (Scream) - Dewey Riley (Scream) - Randy Meeks (Scream)
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!
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...can I ask for dating hcs about her? 👉👈 please and thank you
Nica my beloved.
General dating headcanons about Nica Pierce.
(Gender neutral).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlist here!
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Nica is a bit of a clothing thief and uses your stuff as pajamas.
She definitely prefers to be the little spoon.
Likes to tuck her head under your chin when you're both lying in bed together.
Also is a fan of half-spooning.
Regularly places her hand atop yours and strokes your knuckles with her thumb
Nica enjoys cooking and enjoys doing it for you. Won't refuse if you ask if you can help, it's a good excuse to spend time with you.
Loves when you card your fingers through her hair. Likely to fall asleep if her head is resting on your lap or shoulder.
Nica is fond of giving corner-of-the-mouth kisses.
As well as single-lip kisses.
The two of you go on a lot of restaurant dates. There's only like, three or four that you cycle between.
Staying home and watching movies during the late hours of the night is also a frequent occurrence.
Nica is the type of person to see something in a store that reminds her of you and buy it for you.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
🏳️‍🌈 Celebrating Pride With Nica Pierce Would Include 🏳️‍🌈
(I know this is super niche, but she is literal sunshine in Curse and I love her. Happy pride month everybody!!)
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You two would spend hours decorating her chair, twisting ribbons through the wheels and draping her flag over the back of it
She draws the line at glitter tho. She's like, "I'll never be able to get rid of it!"
She also has the grand idea of twisting rainbow streamers into her hair, which just ends in giggles and kissing
In this au, Chucky isn't possessed by Charles Lee Ray. He's a service doll, or a doll connected to a monitor programmed to send an alert through the house/to 911 if there's an emergency with Nica's heart
So you two decorate Chucky too, giving him outrageous sparkly rainbow makeup and a tiny shirt that says "I Love My Two Moms"
Nica is shy (she's learned to be the quiet one in her family, with her overbearing sister and her over-sympathetic mother) but when she's at pride? She is WILD
She hollers and waves her flags aggressively. It's adorable tbh
You push her down the street on the way to find a spot for the parade, and she tosses up both middle fingers at homophobic protestors, threatening to sic Chucky on them
"What, babe? They don't know he's not real."
She gets lots of compliments on the chair, and she's like "Thanks! My beautiful girlfriend helped me decorate it." Eeee
You would be the type to fill a bag with the free lollipops that get tossed out
Nica is the type to grab a handful of rainbow heart tattoos and plaster them all over her face, chest and arms
You go to a bar after the parade, and you have to step in numerous times when Nica gets flirted with (pride rave mode™️ is no longer activated at this point; she blushes furiously every time someone so much as pays her a compliment, but is ultimately uncomfortable if you're not around)
Eventually you two just relegate yourselves to a corner booth, where you both share blue hawaiians and talk about your first date, how you met when you had been working as a delivery girl
"Remember my mum said I'd never find anyone?" Nica grins, slightly tipsy, "Now look at me. I'm so lucky, baby."
"Nah," you reply, wrapping your arm around her waist as she snuggles in tiredly and kisses you, "I'm the lucky one. Love you."
Tipsy cuddles later, picking the inevitable glitter off of one another, and slow, lazy kissing as Nica snuggles into you and asks where you've been all her life.
You respond with, "Waiting for the girl of my dreams. Happy pride, Nics."
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sawyerconfort · 2 years
Take My Breath Away | Chucky!Nica Pierce x Reader
Ok, I’m assuming that spooky season is already over, but since my obsession with Fiona Dourif and Chucky movies is growing faster this week, I thought it was a good idea to do an imagine with her (please guys write more of herrrrrr I’m in need!)
Idk if I’ll really post this one, to be sure. I have a lot of requests from you guys (promise they’re coming soon, just let me finish school work and then I’ll answer all of them)
And turns out it’s a smut. So... It’s on your choice. I’m not good at writing smuts, especially when it contains a lot of NSFW but I hope this is good. (MINORS PLEASE DNI I DON’T KNOW IF IT’S SAFE!)
Got any requests? Send me an ask!
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Prompt: Inside four walls, Nica and Chucky are completely different from each other... But turns out you ended up liking one more than the other.
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, murder, violence, swearing, dom!chucky!nica, sub!fem!reader (change pronoums if you feel free to do so), soft!dom!nica, sex.
* * *
You didn't mind being held hostage at Tiffany Valentine's house at all. In fact, you weren't afraid of her, not like everyone else was, let alone intimidated by the weird aura of the star who looked too much like Jennifer Tilly.
But your biggest motivation was definitely the woman beside her.
The two of you have felt an immediate connection since you met, ever since Tiffany slapped you handsomely on the head and brought you passed out to her house just for the fun of it.
As the days went by at Tiffany's, you were getting comfortable (as far as possible), and she and the brunette girl were treating you better than you could have imagined. Tiffany would always remind  - you knew with little effort - to bring you food in your room and leave you free to move around with the other locked hostages. And their visits were frequent (when you couldn't hear them having sex and had to force yourself to see the scenes).
Also, you ended up discovering some more information about the brunette girl, something that helped you from the start. In Tiffany's carelessness, she ended up waking up from a kind of coma and told you that she was Nica Pierce, and that she had a murder doll possessing her body transiting and dominating being hers for two weeks. When the sane man gave her a good smack on the head, Nica ended up switching bodies with the doll, Chucky, and her domineering personality revealed itself again.
But it all happened in a way you didn't plan for it to happen. You ended up liking kind and suffering Nica more than her Chucky personality. In fact, you realized you were falling in love with Nica, and you were terrified of what it would do to you.
It wouldn't be a good thing, you were sure.
Nica managed, after a while, to have almost complete control over her body and soul, and now she moved less between the two personalities, especially when she was around you. She pretty much only took on Chucky's soul around Tiffany, for the sake of appearances, and you helped her, always with the same bloodstained knife in your hand, when she came into the room looking for something too trivial.
It turned out that you were more involved than you should have been, and of course you let desire and feeling speak louder in those new days. Nica kissed you, Nica took care of you, and Nica fucked you so many times when Tiffany couldn't hear her that it was impossible not to fall in love even more. She was always very careful with you, making sure the Chucky personality didn't come out at the wrong times.
Then, when you were done, when you finally cum and snuggled into her arms, Nica would regain the puppet's soul and keep tricking Tiffany as much as she wanted, always telling you you'd keep the knife close.
It was a dangerous game, but you loved playing with that sort of thing.
* * *
“Oh Nica... please!” you whispered, holding back your urge to explode, but she smiled slightly as she carefully removed her fingers from your pussy and looked at you with those clear eyes and a crooked smile. “I'm coming! I'm coming!”
“Shhhh, love, you're going to wake up Tiff,” she whispered, chuckling in your ear as a tease — once in a while that happened — and you couldn't hold back any longer.
Nica sucked her fingers much more calmly and stood up, snuggling into your bare chest as she touched your cheeks lightly. Your breathing was uneven, but after hugging her, it always got better. The problem was that it was always short-lived when that happened.
"Tiff must be calling me," she said, looking up at the sky. It was morning, the two of you had slept cuddled in bed and didn't even realize that time had passed. You tried to pull her, but she resisted and smiled, coming to kiss you one last time. “I promise I'll be right back, babygirl, don't worry. Keep the knife close, please..."
You nodded, covering your naked body and looking at her, when Nica turned and rolled her eyes. “I always forget! (Y\NN), give me a nice slap on the head, let's go”, she asked, this time in a not-so-gentle voice. “It won't hurt, don't worry. Slap me on the head so I can go back to being Chucky!”
She came closer to you, and bringing your lips closer to her in a kiss, a peck, Nica watched as your closed hand hit her temple with a well-aimed punch. Chucky screamed and fell off the bed, apparently unharmed.
“Holy shit… how I hate all this shit… Hiya, hottie,” he whispered as he got up off the floor, brand new. He still had Nica's face, and that turned you on more than usual. “See ya in a minute!”
Saying that, Nica/Chucky closed the door in front of you and let you breathe, although you no longer remember how to do it.
* * *
It was already dark, you were sincerely waiting for her to come back, but Nica hadn't gone upstairs yet, and you were tired of waiting for that door to open. Alone, you stripped off your clothes and lay down on your bed, thanking heaven Tiffany had been too good to let you live.
Of course, you suspected that there was a hidden interest in that good deed, but at the same time, this was not the time to think about it.
The door opened and Nica walked in, being Chucky, practically half-naked in front of you. You were staggering in your bed and could barely see her properly.
"Look, if you're not the hottest hostage in this room...", he smirked. “I give every reason Nica likes you so much, you know? You're a hottie, I'd fuck with you if it were still me..."
You ran your hands over the bed and found the knife easily, even dizzy. Handing it over to her with a wide smile, you saw Nica change her expression and fall onto the bed, her legs still.
She lifted her head and smiled, being her again, and kissed you more tenderly.
“The thing I hate most in the world is having sex with Tiffany,” she grumbled, as she kissed you with all the desire inside her. “I mean, she's beautiful and she has an amazing body, but I'm not Chucky. I don't really like her, I just pretend I do..."
Nica moved closer to her ear, taking advantage. "She doesn't taste like you do... My favorite taste, definitely not."
And then, you took her lips in a kiss again. It was a needy kiss, mostly because of the delay, but it was getting slow and lukewarm because of your tiredness from having to wait for her. Nica noticed this and opened her mouth several times to apologize, but you never let go.
"We don't need to have sex today if you don't want to...", she smiled, worried about you. "I know you're tired, my love, you can sleep with me until I need to go back downstairs, okay?"
She hugged you and you helped her move her legs up to snuggle you closer this time. However, far from her knowledge, Nica's eyes turned distant and stared at the  Good Guy miniature doll on the dressing table. Her smile turned into a cruel, sneering smile. And her eyes sparkled the still eyes of the doll again.
The knife, you needed to find the knife now...
But apparently, with Nica/Chucky holding you, you couldn't find her anywhere. You felt like that was the end of you when you heard his laugh echoing in your ear in the sexiest way possible.
"Ah...sweet good smell of feminine perfume...", she whispered, as he did. Her hair and her body suddenly stood on end. “Guess Nica won't mind if I fuck you now, will she? Neither she, nor Tiff, that daughter of a...”
“That's not your body, Chucky!” you yelled. “Bring Nica back!”
“Where's your knife, babygirl? Hm?” she whispered, still like him, and gave another evil laugh. "Well, then we'll have to go on without her anyway, what a pity..."
Nica's lips, like Chucky, brushed against yours with enormous violence, and suddenly she was no longer the sweet dominatrix she used to lie beside her in bed every day. You didn't know the taste of her lips, you didn't know her kisses, but you were aware that her body would react in a less rational way than this.
Fatigue seized her deeply as Nica/Chucky threw herself on top of you and ruffled your hair, tugging at it with need as she kissed you. Nica/Chucky was ripping all of your clothes off and throwing them on the floor, just like he did with the few he/Nica wore afterwards.
But of course the best - or worst - part was yet to come.
And when he thrust his fingers inside your pussy again, your eyes dilated and glowed to an extreme level. You wanted to scream, you wanted to beg Nica to come back, but at the same time, you were so overwhelmed by that feeling of confusion that you didn't even care anymore.
“Tell me what you want, hottie,” Nica/Chucky whispered in your ear, acting less calmly. “Just fucking tell me.”
“I want…you,” you whispered, still confused and lost.
Nica/Chucky smiled and introduced her fingers again, not before taking the opportunity to kiss you, scratching your exposed back and kissing your neck leaving you with long marks.
“You don't want Nica back, do you?” he whispered, teasing again.
"No...", you confessed, caught off guard. "No, I do not want."
His laugh echoed in your ear and as he lessened the scratching, realizing you were coming, he smiled cruelly and at the same time divine, the eyes that were Nica's practically possessing your body without asking and without even entering it. .
“Fine, now come to me babygirl…be a good girl,” he whispered, and you didn't hesitate. "Let me taste you soon, let's go."
“With pleasure, m-mommy...”
The word simply slipped from your lips, and he laughed once more, letting you come, completely mad. Touching Nica/Chucky's naked body once more, you felt the knife stuck in her panties and pulled up as she hugged you and breathed in your scent.
Nica passed out for a few seconds and looked at you curiously.
“God…” you whispered, hoping she didn't find out.
"What was that? How long have I…”
"Don't worry, love, you've been gone for a few minutes..." You lifted your arm, breathing unevenly, to check your watch. “Almost an hour.”
Nica looked at you again. "Oh no, don't tell me he..."
"I think you should really be more careful when you take your feelings to your soul, Nica...", you smiled teasingly. "It was kind of weird, despite your voice and sexy face you have, having sex with him... like... fuck, he's a beast."
She widened her eyes. "Oh no. Don't tell me you liked it?"
You didn't know what to tell her, so you shrugged.
“Please, anything but this, fuck…” she whispered. “I can't bear to lose my girl to this doll trapped inside me. I fucking can’t bear."
“Am I your girl?”, you whispered too, in her ear.
And Nica kissed you, a remnant of Chucky's laugh escaping her lips right in your ear. “You will always be my girl, babygirl… Always. Even though I'm possessed by a perverted doll..."
You guys laughed together, ready for a second round. Only this time without the adrenaline rush of angry fingers and Chucky's laughter inside you. Unless of course, when it ended up turning into a kink between you.
Within four walls, maybe that would be worth it, if that would take your breath away.
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slasherbaby · 3 years
➤ One Shots [OPEN] ➤ Drabbles [OPEN] ➤ Headcanons [OPEN] ➤ Matchups [CLOSED]
➤ I write dirty stuff, most kinks, sfw, etc.
➤ You must be an adult to request, read, or interact with my blog. NO MINORS ALLOWED.
➤ When you send in a request, make sure to put what gender/pronouns you'd like! Requests without pronouns mentioned will be written using they/them
➤ If you don’t see the character you’d like on my characters list, check out my fandoms list, I’ll do most characters from those fandoms! My characters list is mainly for who I have a better grasp/preference on writing
➤ If you’re requesting a matchup, please include the fandom you’d like for it!
➤ I write for reader x characters & characters shipped together (ex. Frank Morrison x Danny Johnson, Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, etc.)
Charles Lee Ray (chucky)
 Nica Pierce/ Nica!Chucky (chucky)
Tiffany Valentine (chucky)
Dream (the sandman)
The Corinthian (the sandman)
Hob Gadling (the sandman)
Danny Johnson (dead by daylight)
Frank Morrison (dead by daylight)
Quentin Smith (dead by daylight)
Bo Sinclair (house of wax)
Baby Firefly (house of 1000 corpses)
Jerry Dandrige (fright night)
Daniel Robitaille (candyman)
Eddie Gluskin (outlast: whistleblower)
Karl Heisenberg (resident evil)
Din Djarin (the mandalorian)
Jesper Fahey (shadow and bone)
Kaz Brekker (shadow and bone)
Eddie Munson (stranger things)
Arthur Morgan (red dead redemption)
John Marston (red dead redemption)
Charles Smith (red dead redemption)
Josh Washington (until dawn)
Mike Munroe (until dawn)
Johnny Silverhand (cyberpunk 2077)
John Seed (far cry 5)
Jacob Seed (far cry 5)
Joseph Seed (far cry 5)
Faith Seed (far cry 5)
Geralt (the witcher)
Jaskier (the witcher)
Yennefer (the witcher)
Joe Goldberg (you)
Tommy Ludlow (eyes of laura mars)
Jack Dante (death machine)
Grima Wormtongue (LOTR)
Trevor Philips (gta v)
Franklin Clinton (gta v)
Daryl (the walking dead)
Glenn (the walking dead)
Dead by Daylight
The Sandman
House of 1000 Corpses
Resident Evil
Star Wars
House of Wax
Fright Night
The Mandalorian
Star Wars
Shadow and Bone/Grishaverse
Red Dead Redemption
Until Dawn
The Old Guard
Cyberpunk 2077
Stardew Valley
Fallen Hero
Far Cry 5
The Witcher
Spider-Man (comics, The Amazing Spider-Man, & video games)
Chucky/Child’s Play
The Walking Dead
Grand Theft Auto V
Stranger Things
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
Hi Lu!! How about E and J for the fanfic writer asks?
Hi, Chel!!! Thanks for sending some in!
E - What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
This is a complex question given the introspective sight it requires.
Personally, I think I tend to identificate with over burdened eldest brothers ( Boromir from lotr, Hector of Troy) or tragical sisters/daughters/ women in daughter - like positions to a male character ( like Eowyn from lotr )
Even since I was a kid I had a weird attachement to both Iphigenia and Cassandra from greek mythology. Across my fics in various fandoms I have sprinkled referenced metaphores to those two mythological figures in situations that justified it.
For example, in one Chucky fic I wrote working on the " teacher foreshadows through a lit class" slasher horror cliché, I developed a connection between Nica Pierce and Cassandra. Also, my longest fic to date is a still on going Troy (2004) canon character x reader prequel fic where the reader started originally inspired on Iphigenia before the fic grew too long in my mind and I developed her more properly.
When it's time to get very self indulgent or when it's all about comfort, for some reason I love to read or write the little sister with two protective bros dynamic. ( you already know this lol)
J - What’s your favorite fanfic trope? Have you written it?
I have a lot, but I will reference the ones i remember to have written about more frequently:
Friends to lovers
Child of a villian in love with a hero
Found Family, that can ( sometimes, but not always) be combined with Accidental Child Adquisition ( gotta stop giving children to Andy Barclay lol)
Chaotic siblings
Arranged marriage ( in historical or fantasy settlings, and I have a small list of characters i prefer for it)
Only one bed ( even tho not in a smut way, i overuse this one in Troy fics given the greeks live in tents. Same with bath scenes when character b assists character a and the scene exposes aspects of their relationship or growing feelings)
Anything involving a character singing to their loved ones, either in contexts that are romantical or platonical.
I know I have many more, but those are the ones i remember now.
Thank you so much again for asking!
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Various x Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z9u7fb
by goddessathenaofwar
There is a distinct, awful pain that comes with loving someone more than they love you
The one where I write about characters people love so much
Words: 337, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), Hogwarts Mystery, IT (2017), Stranger Things (TV 2016), The Umbrella Academy (TV), Carrie (1976), Carrie (2013), The Office (US)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi, F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Tiffany Valentine-Ray/Reader, Kyle/Reader, Nica Pierce/Reader, Ben Copper/Reader, Rowan Khanna/Reader, Penny Haywood/Reader, Bill Weasley/Reader, Talbott Winger/Reader, Chiara Lobosca/Reader, Nymphadora Tonks/Reader, Tulip Karasu/Reader, Merula Synde/Reader, Barnaby Lee/Reader, Ismelda Murk/Reader, Andre Egwu/Reader, Charlie Weasley/Reader, Jae Kim/Reader, Badeea Ali/Reader, Liz "Lizard" Tuttle/Reader, Diego Caplan/Reader, Beverly Marsh/Reader, Mike Hanlon/Reader, Richie Tozier/Reader, Ben Hanscom/Reader, Stanley Uris/Reader, Eddie Kaspbrak/Reader, Bill Denbrough/Reader, Mike Wheeler/Reader, Lucas Sinclair/Reader, Dustin Henderson/Reader, Will Byers/Reader, Max Mayfield/Reader, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Reader, Grace Hargreeves/Reader, Diego Hargreeves/Reader, Allison Hargreeves/Reader, Klaus Hargreeves/Reader, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy)/Reader, Ben Hargreeves/Reader, Vanya Hargreeves/Reader, Carrie White/Reader, Sue Snell/Reader, Tommy Ross/Reader, Jim Halpert/Reader, Pam Beesly/Reader, Ryan Howard/Reader, Kelly Kapoor/Reader, Dwight Schrute/Reader, Oscar Martinez/Reader, Angela Martin/Reader, Michael Scott/Reader, Kevin Malone/Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z9u7fb
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